First Game
We've been a bit slow off the mark and have only just sat down to play our first game.
On the whole it went pretty well, we were 3 players : me and my two boys.
The game was quite intuitive, got started pretty quickly, but our games were very short and the kids started to get a bit frustrated. I think this will change when we get to know the game better.
The Miracle of Life didn't seem to be working - no animals turned into bones. Given nothing had died, we were correctly informed that there was nothing to resurrect.
The Miracle of Balance - I think it should be stated that this only works when there are at least 3 animals in the world. We didn't retain on our first read of the rules that the animal near the firefly stayed put , so when we played the miracle it had no effect...
Now we've started, we'll be back soon with more experience and feedback.
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