The ONE thing you want us to fix...



  • Miaow_star

    The kids find it a bit frustrating if they are too slow to scan an item, so an undo function on the scan would be fantastic (same goes for co-op).

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  • Soft-shell Finclaw

    If possible, one thing that we would like to see if the spacing out of beasts a little more. There have been times when they appear so close to each other (and it seems to be close to the left side of the screen near the guardian faces) that it can be tricky to work out what the firefly is hovering over.

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  • Smooth Flanding

    A way to limit players to one cross breed and one migration. When playing two players the non-competing colours should take on the colour of the player that useable it. Pointless having nothing happen.

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  • Soft-shell Finclaw

    Oh, and a quit / back button in battles before the first round is played. That way if 2 player is started by mistake, it can be changed for a 3 player and vice versa.

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  • Pinkflame

    I like the suggestion to limit each player to one migration and cross breed. If the player tries to use one again, it should stop them.

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  • Hawkopterosaur

    Agreed on a way to limit how players use cross breed and migration (either 1 per player, or via cards).

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  • Squelchy Tentachamp

    As per others suggestion, a way to limit/control the use of cross breed and migration either through the cards or by distributing between players before the game starts

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